With a nod to the late great singer and songwriter Jimmy Buffett. Every morning, I wake up and check www.eebmike.com and look at the tropical storm prediction and forecast maps. Most days,…
People and food. That's what I remember when I travel. Tucked away in the La Cruz de Huanacaxetle Fish Market is a tiny restaurant called La Cata Del Mar --…
Phase one is complete. That's what I'm calling it—phase one. Shopping for a boat, finding a boat, buying the boat, taking delivery of it, getting oriented, and learning to sail…
The pros at SeaTek Mexico in the La Cruz Shipyard successfully removed Roam's mast. They'll be disassembling it, inspecting all of the components, and replacing the standing rigging along with…
We needed a break from boat work in the marina. A short daysail to the village of Las Animas and lunch at El Coral on the beach turned out to be the ideal way to spend the day. It was calm in the morning so we motored over which gave us a chance to run the watermaker and fill the water tanks. After lunch and a swim, the wind filled in and we had a great reach back to Nuevo Vallarta and Paradise Village.
We sailed in the Vallarta Yacht Club's "Merietas Madness" ocean race, a 32-nautical mile race around the Meritas Islands on the west side of Banderas Bay.
Our friend Eric Witte flew in from Baja and spent four days aboard helping us learn to sail and operate Roam. We worked on docking in the morning while the…